Segue Software Information Request Form

Please complete this form to receive more information on Segue Software's product and service offerings. Once completed, you may submit the form by selecting the "Submit Request" at the bottom of this page.

Name: Phone: Title: Company: Address: City: State: Zip/Postal code: Country: Fax: Email:

Please send me a QUEST '96 agenda and registration information

Please send me the free "QA4U" collage poster

Please send me information for:
     QA Partner: Distributed
     QA DBTester
     QA Partner
     QA Partner Extension Kit
     QA Planner
Channel Partners Programs
Services/Support Information
"Boosting Productivity with Automatic Testing" White Paper
"Complete QA: Testing all the Components of Your Client/Server Application" White Paper
QA4U Poster
QA4U poster

Where did you hear about Segue Software's Web Page?
Ad Catalog Event Literature Mailing   Referral Other:

Platform of Interest. Check all that apply:
Windows - 16 Bit applications
Windows - 32 Bit applications

What tools are you presently using for software development and testing?

What would be your timeframe for bringing a software testing tool like QA Partner in house?
Within 30 Days
1 - 3 Months
4- 6 Months
6+ Months

We look forward to any comments or suggestions:

To submit this request, select the "Submit Request" button below. To clear this form and start over, select the "Clear Form" button.

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